Saturday, July 31, 2010

Makes Me Happy

I heart music and every now and then I find a song that I just can't get enough know the kind of song that you can just put on repeat and play over and over again? I get my love for truly meaningful music from my Dad. When I was little I can remember listening to Cat Stevens, Van Morrison, Steve Nicks; over and over. He has always listened with his soul, not just to the beat of the music! I downloaded all of my/his music to his external hard drive and created him an ITUNEs account and gave him an IPOD. Saturday mornings is our time to talk...uninterrupted by the madness that is my life. He will call and usually the conversation will start with...."I was listening to music and I thought of you." My song for my Dad is Brown Eyed Girl or anything David Gray. Here's to my Dad....I love his Guts!

My mad crush is Matt White Band.....I can't stop listening to this one particular song. Music is not just background noise for me....I have to listen to music that makes my heart tighten up, gives me goose bumps, makes me cry, makes me smile. Right now I am all about happy tunes...

And then there is the Beautiful Ingrid Michaelson

And I've saved the best for heart beats a little faster and my head bobs when I hear Corey Smith....Corey is my true music love. Oldest wrote a paper a few years ago about someone famous she would like to meet...she wrote it on Corey Smith. I emailed that paper to Corey and he gave us 4 tickets to a show at the House of Blues in Houston. Oldest, Youngest, my sister and I went backstage and met him.....He was everything I thought he would be. Humble, Shy, Sweet and Funny.

Life is good....when mixed with music!

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