Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Holy Flash Flood!

There was a Flash Flood in New friends are stuck at Camp Huaco Springs Campground....they barely made it to safety in of our friends lost their RV......the Camp Ground is a complete loss....there are people missing!!! There was NO WARNING!!!! My friends could have died...thank GOD they were Marines and Navy officers...and knew what to do under pressure. They saved lives and managed to get to safety. McHusband and I were supposed to be on this trip but Oldest had Sailing Camp....I am worried sick about my friends and feeling completely helpless...cause I am here and they are there!!!!! Mother Nature is a BITCH!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that I have a friend that is that worried when we were in are my bestest friend in the whole wide world, and it makes my heart smile that you care so much! Much loves to ya FWB!
